Joseph Shim

Research Assistant at NYU

Experience & Projects

Predict Gastrointestinal symtpoms with brain data

New York University Center for Neural Science

Applied unsupervised learning methods (Hierarchical clustering, DBSCAN, and PCA) and executed the deep learning prediction model to understand the relation between the gastrointestinal symptom and the brain substrate activity using dataset > 500K participants from UK Biobank using TensorFlow in Python.

Executed analysis using High Performance Computing (HPC) machine at NYU.

October 2021 - Present

Government policy predictor website

CoronaNet Research Project

Built a website to predict COVID-19 related government policy type using Natural Language Processing and machine learning methods using over 70,000+ policy descriptions with interactive visualization using Tableau.

Used Scikit-learn and NLTK libraries (machine learning) for model building, and HTML/CSS, Flask (Python), PostgreSQL for website development (front and backend).

December 2020 - May 2021

Measureing biasness in the US news using NLP

New York University

Applying sentiment analysis and machine learning models to detect and to predict biasness in the major US News articles.

Collaboration with Andrew Pagtakhan, Joseph Shim, Cinthia Jazmin Trejo Medina as part of final project in "Messy Data and Mahcine Learning"

January 2021 - May 2021

Global temperature anomaly and carbon dioxide emission

New York University PRIISM

"World Temperature is Increasing" which intends to emphasize the global warming effect by demonstrating an increasing trend of the global temperature anomaly as well as a constant accumulation of carbon dioxide in the earth over the last century.

Placed 2nd on Applied Statistics Student Visualization Competition.

September 2020


New York University

M.S., Applied Statistics - Computational Track
Relevant coursework: Causal Inference, Frequentist & Bayesian Inference, Deep Learing in biomedical science, Machine Learning, Statistical Computing, Multivariate Analysis, Generalize Linear Model, Multi-level modeling, Probability Theory
September 2020 - May 2022

University at Buffalo

B.A., Mathematics and Economics
Relevant coursework: Econometrics, Linear Algebra, Differential Equation, Partial Differential Equation, Real Analysis, Climate and Mathematics, Stochastic process.
September 2016 - August 2020


Programming Languages & Libraries
  • Machine Learning, Deep Learing, Natural Language Processing
  • Data Visualization, Data Mining (web scraping), Data preprocessing
  • Statistical analysis, Mathematical Modeling, Probability and Statistics

  • Certificates
  • TensorFlow Developer Certificate, TensorFlow(Google)
  • Deep Learning Specialization,
  • TensorFlow Developer,
  • Data Scientist with R track, Datacamp